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Soup, glorious soup

Every Sunday I spend a few hours of my afternoon prepping food for the week ahead and always have some left over bits of veg or veg that...

Vegetarian Sausage Pasta Bake

So firstly let me start by saying, if you haven't tried Sainsbury's Shroomdogs then you my friend, have been missing out big time. I...

Creamy Coconut Dhansak

Here's to my new favourite recipe. It is tasty, healthy, full of goodness, and really easy to make. It also serves four people - but...

Hannah's Butternutty Soup

After a fresh Autumnal walk, I always want to come home and dig in to a nice bowl of soup! I love the warm, fuzzy feeling it gives me and...

I'm feeling chilli tonight...

With the winter nights coming, it’s always nice to have something nice to warm those cockles. I always find I am just too busy to want to...

Let's get Physical

Physical activity is defined as any bodily movement created by skeletal muscles that requires energy expenditure. Any activities carried...

Butternut, Chickpea and Aubergine Curry.

As a recently converted vegetarian, I have find that I am needing to experiment more with ingredients in my foods and discovering new...


It can be really easy to find yourself falling into the habit of jumping in the car and heading to the local shop to pick up a meal deal,...

A Saturday at Sunnybank

Since becoming a dog momma, my Saturday afternoons are usually spent finding new walks or places to go where dogs are allowed. Most...


At the end of last year I decided to enrol onto a Boxercise course. It was a great training day and I came away very excited but also...

Hydrate Yourself!

Did you know that even mild dehydration (1-2% body water loss) affects brain structure and function and has an impact on mood state and...

Taste of the tropics Overnight oats

I remember a time where I used to skip breakfast, I didn’t have enough time, staying in bed that extra 10 minutes was much more important...

Oat so yummy...

With the return of GBBO, I find myself reaching to the top shelf of my cupboard to get down the baking equipment (obviously being 5ft2"...

Shepherdless Pie

Growing up, Nanny's shepherd pie was always my favourite. Home from school and back to her house for a delicious tea is something I will...


Now we’ve got that awful cheese pun out the way…here’s a new favourite recipe of mine. I have been trying out some new ideas, adapting...

When in Venice...

Now, this is a story all about how, we went on a trip to Venice and how it went down, it will only take a minute, just sit right there...



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